Charlene Floyd

Charlene Floyd, at 53 years of age, embodies the essence of vitality and wellness. As a dedicated Nurse and accomplished Personal Trainer, Charlene has made a profound impact on the lives of many by promoting health and fitness.

Professional Background:

  • Nurse: Charlene has a strong foundation in healthcare, providing compassionate and knowledgeable care to her patients.

  • Personal Trainer: Her passion for fitness and well-being led her to become a certified Personal Trainer. Charlene's expertise and dedication have transformed the lives of numerous individuals, helping them achieve their fitness goals.

  • Former NPC Competitor: Charlene's commitment to personal fitness and bodybuilding led her to compete in the prestigious NPC (National Physique Committee). Her journey as a former NPC competitor reflects her unwavering dedication to physical excellence.

Charlene's Approach:

Charlene's approach to health and fitness is grounded in holistic well-being. She believes in the seamless integration of physical fitness, mental well-being, and a healthy lifestyle. Through her dual roles as a Nurse and Personal Trainer, she has touched the lives of many, inspiring them to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

With Charlene as your guide, you'll discover the transformative power of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Her passion for helping individuals reach their fitness aspirations is evident in her work, and her wealth of experience is a testament to her commitment to her clients' success.

For more information about Charlene Floyd or to explore how she can help you on your journey to better health, please contact:


